About the Study
The International WELL Building Institute provides a building standard, similar to that of LEED, which is intended to improve the health and well being of occupant’s with the use of specific design strategies, from materials, to way finding and lighting, and much more than meets the eye. The goal of the WELL Building Standard is to improve occupant’s health and well being through research-based design concepts and strategies. The intent is to benefit individuals and their own personal health, however, if successful, the standard should benefit on a much higher level. From a human resource perspective, the idea of improving workers’ health and well being could be very beneficial to productivity, employee loyalty, decreasing the amount of “sick days” taken by employees and more. However, from a business perspective, is the WELL certification worth pursuing? Or are the costs and efforts more hurtful than they are helpful? This thesis will explore the real-life benefits and outcomes of the WELL Building Standard, to conclude whether or not this is a trend worth pursuing in the business world.